Sunday, October 19, 2008

something un con vince - Mistery Play

a little exploration into the mind of a park attendent and the structure
they formalise with in the mind.
i deconstructed it and built it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Shinkenchiku Residential Competition 2008

considered the reflection of the clouds? the complex integrated
modules (9) wrap and interconnect in the most interesting way,
tackling this 9 square problem. although it doesn't reflect or explain
anything about the surrounding street scape they used the idea of reflecting
the natural perimeters = sky. but is the sky a perimeter? where does it end
does this explaine the consistancy of mixed geometric form within the
peice of architecture...



i don't really know why but this something so beautiful
about it simplicity of stacking and square angular geometric.
but the exterior aesthetics show how fluid and dynamic a simple
box extrusion can be resolved. i like it!

a consistency of a single element originating from the ground
plane forming the space around. i have seen it so many times
but i think it looks sensational.

this is just amazing the simplicity and rational ideas, but
unfortunately to many people copy this idea!

stunning....who is to make that diverse choice
between making this element shown, either
square and angular??? it interesting to identify
a particular style that an architect will portray
their entire career.

Monday, August 18, 2008



Derived from the inspiration of the sexual desire resolved within Lissil
the Park attendant in the 'park of the names of the angles' this conceptual
idea looks at the intense interaction of plane and liner geometric shapes,
intersecting in a unique landscape of sexual tension. The large plane all intersect
creating a sense of stability above, a what is unstable base of a topographical site.
the residence spans a small creek which is used a method of reflection as well as
separates the highly complex part of the residence on the lower side to the more
resolved and minimalist approach higher powering the vague connection of space

playing with the composite of intersection, this residence is the pure
abstraction of the way in which the 'Park of the names of the angels' is
layed out with its high presence with in Berlin. the more resolved form
allows the interpretation of function more accessible through minimalist ideals
the heavy concrete planes erupt out of the earth as if the landscape has been
pulled up and folded back over on its self. Primarily this provides and stable
and steady environment for my client. again the intersection planes are
prominent throughout it construction allowing the reader to develop strong
correlations with 'intersection'

the intense geometric plane ideas. with this design i looked at the symbol
of my client being simply a 'T' shaped icon and manipulated it through
many diffefrent parabollas, roughly mapping each position of rest. drawing this
into a basic floor plan extruding the lines and and creating space within the
negetive portions of the plan. definatelay a more resolved plan, it is quite basic
in its exterior athetics view, but at the same time very complex in it angluar
proposition generating a sophisticaed minimalist form..

one of the more intense forms derived from the simple idea of
solid elements and abstraction of symbolism. this conceptual idea
resovels the emotion of my client through sporatic openings
throughout the spaces. the asametric plan of the space was
further abstracting the use of the 'T' symbol and moving it
on its side and creating a horizontal plan.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

units make up spaces

podulization forms this beautiful box structure to house one another.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

'playing with numbers'

this was just a 5 minute sketchup 3d model playing with openings, some what like the openings that Lissil would be exposed to.
not defined in any path, form or function but have meanings relating to her sketchy, sporadic life.

We often examine...

We often examine in exquisite detail, the manifesto relationship of postmodernism design to what is considered ‘the new architecture’. Is it the defined fluid elements rupturing through a generic symmetry of old design, creating a contrast clearly defining the possibilities of new invention? Is it so that this space the catalyst for social and technical synergy? We introduce character into design purely based on social interaction gained through speech and observation from our intended clients to develop a ‘unique’ space suited to them. It’s hardly the topography and landscape qualities that shape design, if we want a fluorescent wall in a highly compact sea of red bricks and floral gardens we will achieve it…as long as the consumers are satisfied.


Dijon: electronic jedi and graphic designer from Berlin
currently engaged to Lissil: park attendant in the 'park of the names of the angels'

'the love for it' Lissil

As a young child she developed into a star of the class, a successful feature of a high achieving family,both mother and father successful in separate fields of industry. She involved her self in extensive versions of beauty portrayal via modeling and was exploited as an icon symbol of modern fashion and social distortion. As time past this young female by the name of Lissil rebelled against the unstable world of the every day consumer and developed an interest in preservation and consideration.

Through her middle ages her rebellious trends steered her away from her family association as she introduced her self to the lower class world living in poverty. This was more of less an metal state to move her self away from her previous life and move into a world of careless freedom. After many years her personality changed to form her future, walking down the street in Prague she was approached by a man in a large red suit. He explained he was from Prada, a multinational company involved in personal leisure and image. at the time Lissil was in dire straights and needed an exit…this was the perfect entry to a new beginning. Until now…

Lissil is a highly sophistical individual who is always very open to new interpretations of any genera. for new the new Berlin is the place she likes to enjoy. Being placed as head park attendant in the park of the names of the angels, she is quite unsure of her role is the highly complex world of today, but understands that it has a purpose. She take her job more serious than most and sees it as the first and for most important thing in life, therefore her life is shaped around this idea of ‘work’. The park of the names of the angle's is identified as a large space dedicated to reflection and spiritual recognition. To Lissil this mean nothing as she is nor religious or atheist she just works as a individual and selected goals.
Undertaking a daily schedule within the parks perimeters, she feels safe and untouched from the out side collisions of practical life. Lissil also has a super cool boyfriend named Dijon, who is a graphic designer for a large company called beDesign. They plan on getting married in the near future and it would be essential to incorporate his lifestyle into hers to ensure they work in pure harmony, like they have been for quite some time. the sexula connection between them is dramatic in the way that it begins to develop her lifestyle into a manifesto of sexual desire.
Moving outside of the safe haven, the park of the names of the angels Lissil regularly enjoys hitting the dance floor in the latest clubs and finds her self a victim of fashion…unusual for someone who is so against the city lifestyle and heavy consumerism. But fashion and style is her main demeanor and regular will indulge in shopping sprees.
Lissil dislikes corporations and their mega-image they have on the world’s lifestyle and workings, other than that she only dislikes mushrooms and fishing…and sometimes dislikes hot cross buns.
Realistically Lissil needs to in a eco-sustainable environment, so for all the bad she does with extensive buying she can regain but living cleanly. She likes the idea of minimalist layout and the use of clean colours, eg white and stainless steal giving her the comfort of modernism. Lissil has seen many examples of architecture she likes and she is quite expressive in her dramatics forms and abstractions of what would look normal, that she would like to incorporate into some sort of formalized structure.

The park of the names of the angels – angels are seen as a sign of peace and harmony to well being but their names have implications on the way they are portrayed.
Is this park an intense barrier in which Lissil rebels the world around her.
Does it form a place where she prefabricates her future battles with life?
Will it help form her ideal place of relaxation?

sustainable complexity

un ike many other typical architectural formations derived from elements drawn from surrounding landscapes, this abstracts they way we think about form and function within architecture and its purpose...maybe?

fractal reflection from the park of names

something rather unusal about this.. the light is generated from below the it floating of a sea of unstability or is it structurally sound from above?