Derived from the inspiration of the sexual desire resolved within Lissil
the Park attendant in the 'park of the names of the angles' this conceptual
idea looks at the intense interaction of plane and liner geometric shapes,
intersecting in a unique landscape of sexual tension. The large plane all intersect
creating a sense of stability above, a what is unstable base of a topographical site.
the residence spans a small creek which is used a method of reflection as well as
separates the highly complex part of the residence on the lower side to the more
resolved and minimalist approach higher powering the vague connection of space.
playing with the composite of intersection, this residence is the pure
playing with the composite of intersection, this residence is the pure
abstraction of the way in which the 'Park of the names of the angels' is
layed out with its high presence with in Berlin. the more resolved form
allows the interpretation of function more accessible through minimalist ideals
the heavy concrete planes erupt out of the earth as if the landscape has been
pulled up and folded back over on its self. Primarily this provides and stable
and steady environment for my client. again the intersection planes are
prominent throughout it construction allowing the reader to develop strong
correlations with 'intersection'
the intense geometric plane ideas. with this design i looked at the symbol
of my client being simply a 'T' shaped icon and manipulated it through
many diffefrent parabollas, roughly mapping each position of rest. drawing this
into a basic floor plan extruding the lines and and creating space within the
negetive portions of the plan. definatelay a more resolved plan, it is quite basic
in its exterior athetics view, but at the same time very complex in it angluar
proposition generating a sophisticaed minimalist form..
one of the more intense forms derived from the simple idea of
solid elements and abstraction of symbolism. this conceptual idea
resovels the emotion of my client through sporatic openings
throughout the spaces. the asametric plan of the space was
further abstracting the use of the 'T' symbol and moving it
on its side and creating a horizontal plan.
yeah bro, lookin good.
I'll show you sexual tension. Nah, good work bro.
nice work: 'geometric collision' & 'moment of intersection'.
i'd wish you luck, but you obviously dont need it!!
tracey upton
(construction workshop sp4)
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